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KNASH, the six woman strong band from Stockholm is making melodious in your face-party punk with pop and soul influences. They have been describev as "...a side of Swedish pop music that in lack of better words must be described as fantastic" by Zero Magazine.

After several critically acclaimed singles since the debut in 2015, KNASH is releasing their self-titled debut EP on April 24th 2020. 


The single Sexist from the EP was described by AnalogueTrash as 


"...a very enjoyable takedown of male chauvinism"

The six woman strong band is making theirselves heard on the EP with songs about bad friendships, life advice and sexist idiots. 

Previous KNASH-singles has been featured on New Music Friday Sweden, Indie Highlights and aired in Swedish Radio P3. 

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Presskontakt: Filip Lundgren -


© 2020 Septembernatt AB

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